This is not meant to be an exhaustive list; rather, it is a place to start when you are looking for maps to help your research. Some of the entries are themselves lists of external links. Copyright is for you to assess.
See also my list of Image databases.
This digital project, which looks at the topographies of literature and culture in 18th-century London, is run by Allison Muri of the University of Saskatchewan, and helpfully gives access to a selection of maps and views of London from 1558 to 1799.
A map-based history website developed by the Institute of Historical Research. Users can access free historic maps of London and contribute stories, memories and histories to create a social history resource about their area. Includes Booth’s Poverty Map.
An Actual Survey of the Great Post-Roads Between London and Edinburgh, With the Country Three Miles on Each Side, this edition published in 1783.
A great resource for historical fiction and non-fiction writers. There were 18 editions of Paterson’s Roads between 1771 to 1829, a form of gazeteer describing roads (and their landmarks) in England and Wales, as well as direct routes from London to seaports and coastal towns and cross-roads. There is also and index of ‘country seats, places, prospects, antiquities, and remarkable objects, and an appendix.
A vision of Britain from 1801 to now. Including maps, statistical trends and historical descriptions. Of most relevance: Ordnance Survey First Series 1:63360 (170 sheets covering England and Wales, 1805 to 1869);
C. Smith New Map of Great Britain and Ireland 1:633600 (4 sheets covering Great Britain, 1806); R. Wilkinson The British Isles 1:2000000 (1 sheet covering Great Britain, 1812). The site is run by the University of Portsmouth and partners.
Zoomable, high-resolution colour maps dating from between 1560 and 1964, primarily related to Scotland but also including England and Great Britain, Ireland, Belgium, and Jamaica. There are also maps made for military purposes and Ordnance Survey.
One of the world’s largest libraries devoted entirely to rare books and manuscripts.
A collaborative project to index over 400,000 historical maps in archives and libraries, with many participating institutions.
Historic maps of London from before 1800 and maps from the 19th-century series of the Ordnance Survey, including the complete 1:10,560 series and selected areas of the 1:2,500 maps. The Ordnance Survey maps can searched by keyword, title or postcode. Several 17th-century maps of London.
An exhaustive Place Name Index to Great Britain, containing over 50,000 entries. It lists the historic county and the main administrative areas in which each place lies. Read the accompanying notes before using.
A list of useful map websites, with a focus on the North.
Includes a set of 52 high resolution English County maps dating from 1724.
An extraordinary labour of love, the work of one person who has generously put their non-commercial mixture of comment and tips online, along with thousands of links to free sites.
This directory lists the major map collections in the UK. It is freely available subject to the Society’s Terms and Conditions. Use the filter on the right to browse for collections, or the “Search for a Collection” box to find more specific collections.
Building historian Jean Manco’s extensive site is included in my Image databases page. The page on maps is a good starting point for your research.
A list of British Library map collections that are available online.